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News by CGIDir Releases Update of MojoClassifieds CGI Scripts Series


Thursday, April 20, 2006; 03:38 AM releases a new set of key features for its MojoClassifieds classified ads script series which enable Web masters to enhance their online classifieds businesses with new functionality.

New key features include the ability for its users to assign an image to their user profile, such as portrait photos, product images and company logos. Web masters have the ability to display lists of latest members, latest posted ads, most viewed ads, most replied to and most saved ads on the classified ads pages which increases exposure and benefits active members. Further, Web masters can control the ad title and ad description length for each account individually, which is useful in creating additional upselling opportunities.

In this latest MojoClassifieds update, one of the targets was to create a search engine friendly classifieds application by adding new features that help Web masters with their search engine optimisation campaigns, such as search engine friendly URLs and the ability to individually edit title and meta tags for each category.

"We have put a lot of effort into this update and I believe that it will underline our position in the market as one of the leading web-based classified ads application developers", said Andreas Horch, CEO of Tela IT Inc., and noted that "We have been able to include most of the user requested features in this update, which has always been one of our main company goals since the beginning"., a subsidiary of Tela IT Inc., was established in 2001 and offers fully featured classified ads software programs written in Perl on MySQL backend that allows individuals and businesses to run their own free or commercial classified ads service or manage ads and listings on their websites effectively and organised. Web developers can rebrand the software and resell it to their clients. For more information on products and services visit online at:



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