MojoClassifieds - Universal Listing SoftwareDescription: Universal ad posting and listing solution on MySQL backend allows you to run your own free or commercial classified ads service or just manage ads and listings on your website. Features: Mod_perl support, search engine friendly features, 3-way-toplevel-category system, unlimited categories/subcategories, display latest listings, members, most replied, saved, viewed listings stats, private messaging, saved search profiles, hotlist, multimedia file gallery, extensive admin and member panels, powerful search facility, auto-generated thumbnails for uploaded images, unlimited ad/permission credit system, fully html, email and text file template driven, integrated with paypal IPN, ibill pincoding and web900 for recurring subscriptions, clickbank, egold, 2checkout, worldpay payment processing, internationalization, easy translatable, personalized member mailings as well as view location on map and chat add-on modules.
1 week |
2 week |
1 month |
5 months |
1 year |
2 year |
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Votes |
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6 |
Rating |
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3.7 |
Added: Wed Apr 12 2006 |
Last Modify: Wed Apr 12 2006 |
Added by: Mojoscript Mojoscript |
Send Feedback to: Mojoscript Mojoscript |