03/22/06 - Eclipse Foundation, Zend Technologies, and IBM Announce the Approval of the PHP IDE Project 03/21/06 - JSP Controls Tag Library Released 03/09/06 - Ratmir Labs Introduces IT Outsourcing Complex Software Development 03/08/06 - Bare Bones Software Releases BBEdit 8.2.5 03/07/06 - PHP Quebec 2006 on March 29-31, 2006 03/07/06 - php|tek 2006 Coming to Orlando, Florida During April 26-28, 2006 02/15/06 - IronPython 1.0 Beta 3 Released 01/13/06 - PHP 4.4.2 Released 01/12/06 - PHP 5.1.2 Released 12/05/05 - Tcl/Tk 8.4.12 Released 00/00/00 - Trolltech and KDE Cooperate on Cross-Platform Multimedia Programming Framework
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