03/30/07 - Penton's Windows IT Pro and SQL Server Magazine Name "Best of MMS 2007" Winners; NetIQ Wins Grand Prize 03/30/07 - UK Tour Operator Cosmos and Low-cost Airline Monarch Choose Empirix for Web Application Testing 03/29/07 - SUSE Linux Enterprise Real Time and Concurrent NightStar Tools Highlighted at Novell BrainShare 2007 03/29/07 - Intorel Announces Advanced Web Compiler Platform 03/28/07 - CodeGear Announces General Availability of Delphi for PHP 03/28/07 - WiseNav Website Competition Encourages Consumers To Engage With Web 2.0 03/27/07 - Attenda Wins Best Managed Services Provider Award 03/26/07 - BladeLogic Receives 2007 Data Centres Europe Award for Most Innovative New Data Centre Software Product 03/23/07 - Compellent, Novacoast to Showcase Deployment Service for Novell ZENworks Virtualization Management Technology at BrainShare 2007 03/23/07 - Soloscript.com Presents Well Defined Programming Scripts 03/22/07 - ActiveState Releases Perl Dev Kit 7.0 03/21/07 - Easy CGI Upgrades to .Net Framework 3.0 03/21/07 - LINX Announces Partnership With The Colocation Exchange 03/20/07 - Unify Unveils Composer for Migration of Lotus Notes Applications to Java and .NET 03/20/07 - Vitria Launches Business Accelerator(TM) Open SOA Integration Suite, Announces Resolution Accelerator(TM) Next Generation Exception Management Software