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Resin Application Server Integrates Both Java and PHP Within

May 16, 2006; 06:05 AM

Caucho Technology, Inc., a provider of open source solutions to ensure high performance and reliability for large-scale Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) applications, announced the addition of PHP to its list of supported features.

Caucho Technology's PHP implementation, named Quercus(TM), allows developers to use the PHP5 language for a presentation layer and at the same time to implement business logic using Java. Since Quercus will be included as part of Caucho Technology's Resin application server, developers will now be able to integrate Java and PHP within the same application.

Scott Ferguson, lead architect of Caucho Technology said, "Quercus implements the PHP language in Java." Ferguson continued, "As a Java PHP implementation, Quercus provides three primary benefits: allowing Resin to run PHP applications natively, giving PHP applications the stability and security of a Java application server, and letting Java applications use PHP as a presentation layer."

Caucho Technology's announcement of the addition of PHP to its list of supported features will take place during JavaOne, Sun Microsystems Worldwide Developer Conference in San Francisco from May 16-19, 2006.

Caucho Technology will have a booth at JavaOne and will also participate in a session entitled "Sharing the Java Platform" designed for press and analysts to take place at the Moscone Center on Tuesday, May 16 at 3:00pm in room 123.

Cameron Purdy, President of Tangosol said, "If you can support 6x as many PHP users on a Java application server as you can on a "native" Apache server, then why not move over to Java?" Purdy added, "Thanks to Java and the ingenuity of the Caucho team, the savings in hardware, rackspace, electricity and systems management will add up to millions of dollars for large-scale PHP systems."

With numerous added features, increased speed and load balancing, Caucho Technology's Resin open source application server has earned an industry-wide reputation as a robust solution to the Java application challenges that web developers most often face. Caucho Technology has developed the protocols Burlap and Hessian to produce fast solutions for the rapidly expanding web services market.

About Caucho Technology, Inc.

Caucho Technology, Inc. was founded in 1998 and is based in La Jolla, California. Caucho produces Resin, a leading Java application server that delivers fast and stable performance under heavy load situations. Resin is the application server of choice for over 5000 organizations including Fortune 500 companies, governments and educational institutions needing reliable and fast Java and PHP solutions. Caucho Technology is a Sun Microsystems Java licensee.



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