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The Social Media Dilemma at the Work Place

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Charlie Brown
January 28, 2016

Charlie Brown
Charlie Brown has written 17 articles for CGIDir.
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Social media is very popular and is steadily growing in popularity among all age groups and sexes. Basically, anyone who owns a smart phone, tablet, laptop or even a pc has access to the internet thereby having access to social media sites. People use social media to interact with friends, family and strangers online. It is also a social tool used to keep in touch with colleagues, acquaintances and family members.

Many people tend to check their social media pages an average of eight times a day or more. The impact of social media at the workplace is therefore very high as an average of ninety one percent of all employees access social media during working hours. The question for most employers and human resource managers remains ‘Is social media having a negative impact at the workplace?’ The answer to this question is neither yes nor no. It is basically a grey area.

Below are some ways in which a manager can handle the social media dilemma at the work place:

1. Have a clear cut and transparent policy on social media

An employer should state clearly what the work policies as concerns social media are. This should include terms and conditions of what is acceptable as behavior that pertains to the use of the internet including accessing personal emails, blogging and logging onto social sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Employee time tracking services can be used to assess the time logs on the company’s computers to see what each employee does while he or she accesses the internet.

The rules should however not be too rigid. It is common knowledge that if we restrict the use of social media too much, employees will simply turn to the use of their personal gadgets such as their smart phones to access their social media networks. A study also showed that employees who were allowed breaks in between work actually had an increase in work output. Basically, there is a fine balance between too much and too little

2.  Use the social media craze to your advantage

Employers must always be one step ahead of the game. There are very many benefits that social media can add to a workplace. Use it to your advantage by introducing a well-networked workplace. Encourage employees to foster better relationships with one another by encouraging work place interaction through social media.

You can also offer incentives for employees who have popular social media pages when they promote the company through their sites or blogs. There has been an increase in direct recruitment through social media by marketing companies and positions that require outgoing and witty personalities. Social media can be turned from a perceived workplace menace to a great advantage.

Although there is no definite reason to restrict social media access at work, there is definitely a need to monitor and regulate its use. Too much time spent on social media by employees is wasteful, while small breaks in between work are encouraged in order to integrate an employee’s social life into his or her work life.  If you find this balance as an employer or a manager and use the tips provided above, social media will cease to be a dilemma.

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