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Want to design a website that works well with your audience? Count on jQuery for its benefits

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Tracey Codd
May 21, 2018

Tracey Codd

Tracey Codd is a web developer who takes a keen interest in studying new trends in web development. Being self-motivated she has in-depth knowledge of various website design platforms. She shares her website development experience in her blogs and posts.

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Website design is a vast subject with multiple development platforms in use. However, jQuery is what most web designers select. It's because this cross-platform comes equipped with numerous features and benefits. Use a jQuery plug-in to improve the front-end UX to a new paradigm. Furthermore, jQuery designers can alter borders, color contrasts, font patterns, background images and many more. They can also add videos, music or animations.


Have you been contemplating a website design for your company? Are you in two minds on whether or not you should use jQuery? If yes, then here are few core features and benefits of jQuery that would help you to decide better.


1.  jQuery results in simplicity


For web developers, jQuery is easy to learn. The platform is perceptive. The library is based on a simpler, shorter code. The coding standards and syntax are simple, and this allows web developers to reduce the time taken to implement a site or app.


Also, web developers don't need to be experts in web designing or programming. They can curate impressive styles for their website.  Has your web developer spent long hours testing and coding CSS files? If yes, then he will love the simple execution of jQuery. Furthermore, jQuery comes with its compact UI elements which the web developers can use on their websites.


2.  jQuery components get highlighted when JS fails


Adobe Flash on a browser might have pages that are incorrectly rendered. It is disappointing for the user. It urges the web developers to give excess time in coding. They have to work on a browser that lacks Flash plug-in, that further extends the development time.


The situation is not the same with jQuery. Managing the HTML DOM today is a prevalent practice of managing web page. It helps to render the content even when JavaScript gets disabled in the browser. With HTML DOM being completely present, you needn’t worry about any browser settings. In addition to that, jQuery helps to minimize help desk tickets situations. The help desk will like when web developers proactively code to avert serious browser crash issues.


3.  It integrates easily with visual studio IDE


NuGet is a prominent visual studio extension. Use it to easily update, remove and add tools and libraries on visual studio projects using Net Framework. The particular addition has been present for years now. It is one of the most trusted sources for web developers for developing and exchanging Microsoft Visual Studio packages.


Furthermore, Visual Studio 2010 assists the incorporation of the jQuery library through the Manage NuGet Packages. It activates Visual Studio’s Intellisense features which in turn offer web developers instant access to jQuery syntax and processes. For this, they don't have to leave the code view for researching.


Usually, a majority of .Net developers utilize Visual Studio. They are also aware of NuGet. It is the main reason why jQuery is popular with the .Net developers. jQuery mobile themes are now a part of Windows. Hence, today you have access to development advantages of the jQuery library accessible for Windows Phone platform.


Today, Microsoft has shown its interest in HTML5, and this also comprises of jQuery aspects, by popularizing jQuery library uses, which HTML5 team has adopted. Furthermore, Microsoft also encourages using jQuery, both in Metro-pattern UI apps and mobile development.


4.  It renders animated apps akin to Flash


Flash developers work hard. Developing a site/app in Flash needs good knowledge skills. For an average developer, this might take many years of practice for being able to set up Flash movie like creations. However, jQuery is free. It only needs HTML and JavaScript know-how.


For instance, you can afford an ace Flash developer and also the software. Even then the developer will have to code for platforms and browsers that isn’t Flash compatible. They also need code for people who can’t view Flash content.


However, jQuery has its uniqueness. It utilizes a mix of AJAX, HTML, CSS and JavaScript. All these technologies are mark-up oriented that work well. It means you have it in you to deploy an optimization strategy to a website, sans making changes for Flash. So what's the bottom-line? You can get amazing effects that will hugely appeal to your audience.


5.  The jQuery pages are quick to load


Today, the page loading time is essential for Google and the other search engines as well. It impacts the SEO. Hence, every web developer needs to attempt for a concise and light coding. What is the perfect way to do it? You can minimize the code size. If a website is CSS and HTML code base, it's easy to have uniform coding changes that will reduce the size. Akin to CSS, jQuery files get stored individually from web pages. It enables the developers to make changes all across the site via a central repository than searching via folder frameworks.


Furthermore, jQuery offers a loading div tags option when you require them. Are you making attempts to enhance the website speed? If yes, you can load only the necessary div tags needed for the page load. By doing this, you can showcase what your user needs to see. And then the remaining elements load as and when.


6.  jQuery is SEO friendly


So, you have an attractive website? However, it’s not worth if you’re compromising on SEO. The manner in which you code your site impacts the way Google, Bing or other search engine finds it. Simply put, you can optimize jQuery for search engines. Furthermore, there are several plug-ins accessible to help web developers in website designing and development. You can embed jQuery aspects using unsorted lists. It is one SEO practice that will do you good.


The unsorted list is usually an HTML tag that is present for a long time. Search engines will identify the URL tags quicker than a custom tag.


Every brand wants to have the best corporate website and applications. For this selecting the best web development cross-platform is essential. Today, there are multiple choices available. However, over the years ace and experienced web developers have been counting on jQuery for various reasons and benefits. Do you want your website design to fetch you both appreciation and customers? If yes, then count on jQuery today! If you are unsure, let the reasons mentioned above help you to decide well.

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